Martha's Vineyard 2019
Amity Island
This is it. The mother of all filming locations, and one of the greatest movies ever made. Jaws was filmed on Martha's Vineyard from May to September, 1974 and released on June 20th, 1975.

Outside of a brief interlude for a few years after Star Wars was released in 1977, Jaws has been my favorite film of all time (whatever that means). So much more than a "horror" movie as it is often labeled, it is an adventure story, a drama, and comedy, with timeless characters, fantastic acting and brilliant musical score.

For decades I had wanted to make the pilgrimage to "Amity" and check it all out for myself. This summer that finally happened and it was a blast. It was overwhelming how many locations look the same as they did forty-five years ago. With few exceptions, almost nothing has changed. It was like traveling back in time, and to this day the movie has a significant presence on the island.

There is a thrill that comes with tracking down each of the filming locations that can only be understood by fellow fans. It's like a giant, personal scavenger hunt with the ultimate payoff as you near the locations and realize you are suddenly walking through your favorite movie.

I recommend taking the trip to Martha's Vineyard for anyone who loves Jaws. The people there are great and you'll be surprised at how many of them have a story to tell about either witnessing, working on, or being in the film. Special thanks to Stella, my partner in sleuthing, and everything else.

"Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies.
Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain.
For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston.
And so nevermore shall we see you again."